Types of Scams

Old Scam Style

Note: These are styles of scamming that were used before the trade conformation button was installed. If you see anyone trying these, report them but don't stress it. They'll never get anywhere using these styles.

Appondale Museum - Many scammers take large groups to the Appondale Museum, telling them to click a certain pawprint extremely fast. This pawprint happens to be in the exact same location as the 'Accept' button for trades. This method can be used to trade any rare or desirable item on your trade list with a useless,cheap item.

Scammer's Den - Most scammers take one or two players to their dens and tell them to click any type of item sitting near the bottom of the screen. This method is similar to the Appondale Museum style and is more private, therefore scammers can actually ask players to put rare items on their trade list.

The Mt. Shiveer Ice Trick/Coral Canyon Hop-Bridge Trick - Some scammers take players to the ice pool in Mt. Shiveer or the jumping bridge in Coral Canyons and tell them to do an action (this usually changes for each scammer). Many different outcomes are known to happen this way. Beware.
Got scammed another way? Please send in a report with information on how you or another player was scammed so we can add it here!

New Scam Styles

Note: These are new styles of scamming that are currently being used. If you see anyone using these styles of scamming, report them multiple times and be very cautious.

Pleading - Many Scammers now ask for donations or gifts. They claim that it is their birthday, or they're "poor" or a newbie. Most of them are NOT true to this statement and will continue pleading for this for months. Be sure to try to prove whether these players are telling the truth, or report and ignore. To check if a newbie is really new, look at their Achievements. If they have less than 5, you're safe. Also remember that no newbies will be members.

Promising - Most Scammers are saying things like 'send me a rare items and I'll give you a ___' This is an obvious scam, as most gullible Jammers will not receive anything in return. The Scammer usually keeps whatever is sent and then logs off, leaving the tricked Jammer with a hole in their inventory.

Invisible Items - Sometimes, a Scammer will send a trade with items that are nothing but yellow boxes. When moused over, the system states that these are items like Sturdy Tables or Blue Couches. Do not be fooled, as, even though it has a small chance of being a glitch, this is a hacking Scammer. Many scammers have gotten a hold on a program which will allow them to trick Animal Jam's system and trade nothing. Many scammers usually target a rare or high-demand item. If you ever see a trade with at least one invisible item, immeadiatly cancel. If the user who sent you that trade tries again with invisible items or is a known scammer, immeadiatly report and ignore.

Scams I've seen:

Membership Scam:
This thing STINGS! When I was NM, AJ was putting tha pressure on Jammers, wanting them all to be member. I gave a person a Treasure Chest and they told me how to get a free membership. All it did was crash my computer.

Contest Scam:
This dude said "send me rare best one get skully" DO NOT DO IT. Skully appearances are few and far between.  I MISS MAH WORNNNN DX Plus he called me "purple worn girl" DXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


The Sending Scam
If someone says "Send me a rare and I send you a better one!" Then, you send them a rare and you ask them, "Who will you send the spike to?" And they say, "I have bad news for you, I wont give it to anyone!" So never do this trade!

The Pillow Accept Scam

Somebody says "Come to my den to change the color of your rare!" You'll go to their den, right? You'll see a pillow at the bottom left-ish part of the bottom of their den. They will tell you to click that pillow. They will put up a bad trade for your rare, and the pillow will be where the "accept" button is on a trade. Luckily, this scam is not as easy to do anymore since AJ HQ now put up the "Are you SURE?" part, but the scammer can then move the pillow to the second "yes".
Trade scam.png

The Decline Trade Deception

Somebody in Jamaa Township is saying "I DECLINE EVERY SINGLE TRADE TRY ME!" or something like that, you think they are being honest. You trade a Rare (Spiked collar, glove, ect.) for their Rare Lei or another non-rare item.. DON'T DO THIS! They WILL accept!

The Broken Trade Blackmail

Somebody will say "I want to trade rares for rares but my trade system doesnt work so if you send me a rare I will send you mine!" You send them a rare, and they run away with it.

The Contest Cheat (HATE)

Somebody in Coral Canyons is saying "Send me rares! WHOEVER SENDS THE BEST RARE WINS MY LEGEND!!" You send them a glove, and see if you win. Ten minutes later, you will ask "When will you announce the winner?" Well, I have news for you. There is no winner.

The Try-On Trick

Imagine This: Your wearing Non Member bat wings. A friend comes up to you and says "Hey, can I try your wings on?" Since they're your friend, you send or trade their wings. Next thing you know, they say "Oops, GTG! I will give them back to you tomorrow!" They take you off their buddy list and run.

The Glitch Giveaway

Picture this: Somebody says "SEND ME RARES AND I SHOW YOU A COOL GLITCH!" You send them a rare, and they run away OR give you a fake glitch guide.

The Cool Coincidence

Somebody says "GIVE ME A RARE OR ELSE YOUR NOT COOL YOUR A LOSER!" You want them to think your cool, and you give them a rare. The scammer is the loser, not you!

The Dating Death

Somebody says "SEND ME A RARE AND I GO OUT WITH YOU!" If you date on AJ, you send them a rare and they date with you for about 10 minutes, then remove you from their buddy list, then run with your rare.

The Lion Code Lie

Suppose you are in Jamaa Township and you see a person in the crowd yelling "GO TO MY DEN TO GET LION CODE!" You want the lion code so you go to their den, at their den they say "Trade me a rare and then I will give you the lion code." You trade them a rare and they will either run or give you a fake lion code. (P.S. People can't give you lion codes. It's one of those codes that is different for everyone)

The Fast Accept

Some people say "Come to my den if you want my non-member wings!" Or something like that. You want non-member wings, so you go to their den. Then they open trades and close it a while, and it has non-member wings, but then, they say "Last chance, click accept in five seconds, OK?" And so you click accept, but you realize that you were given wings, not nm wings.

The Accept and Send

Let's say someone is shouting "TRADE ME IF I ACCEPT YOU GET MY LEGEND!" so you trade them a pillow for their mat. They decline, so you trade a rare. They accept and run away with your rare.

The Unwanted Stuff Scam

Ok, so now some random person is running around saying "SEND ME UNWANTED STUFF AND I WILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TOO!" Ok, so you send them unwanted stuff, and then you expect them to recycle your stuff for gems and something cool, right? Well, the scammer won't actually recycle your stuff, they'll KEEP it! And to make matters worse, they probably will not send you a rare.

The Member Stuff Scam

A random person sees a nonmember's trade list and sees something that they think is cool, such as a rare. The scammer sends a trade to the nonmember asking them to trade their rare, and they'll give them a member item. Obviously the nonmember will accept, and they rush to their den to put out the member thing. But sadly an there will be a popup informing them they can't put it in their den unless they become a member.

The Beta Item Scam

A scammer will say "SEND ME A BETA ITEM AND I WILL SEND YOU SOMETHING COOL!" Or vise versa. You send them a beta item and expect something that you think is cool in return. If vise versa, you send them something cool and expect a beta item. The scammer logs out until he/she thinks you gave up trying to find him/her.

The "I'm Poor" Scam

You see someone in the town, (Usually a member) wearing no clothes or possibly the default animal colors, and saying, "SEND ME FREE ITEMS AND RARES I'M POOR!" If you send them a rare, they will just leave with your item or rare. Luckily, a good way to see if they're poor or not, you can look at their den. Usually, it's a good den with lot's of stuff in it. Other times their den is locked. But, either way you wouldn't want to send these people rares or items. I have used this scam, but i didnt want no rares, I wanted unwanted pillows for my Clan!


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