Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy new Year! (And new Scammers..)

It's the new year, and New Yaer and X-mas rares are gonna catch the eye of Jammers who are scammers at heart.Every year, Jammers AND Scammers grow in number. That's all for 2013.
~Fire66300, leader of the Scammer Watchers

Any scammers you've seen? Scammer Watcher or not, scammer reports are always welcome! Just fill out this form in a comment, I'll take the pictures, and it'll be up here:

Date: (What was the date?)

Time: (What was the time?)

Animal Name: (Wha was the scammer's animal name?)

Username: (What was the username of the scammer?)

Mem/NM: (Member or no?)

Type of Scam: (Click here for scams)

Animal scammed with: (What animal did the scam with?)

Details: (How they scammed, ect)


The Scammer Watchers


Copy-paste this somewhere if you hate scamming!
